Beyond Storage

Enhancing Your Lifestyle To Support Businesses, Fitness & Community

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The Field House

The Field House is a 1,000 square foot, private event space in the new Varsity Park storage building ideal for your next special event.

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The SkyBoxes are private, personal spaces that are a perfect getaway for those seeking a quiet place to read, reflect or reconnect with one’s passions.

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Centre Court

A creative, flexible space, this meeting room is ideal for small group collaboration, or your next Zoom meeting. With a full glass exterior directly overlooking River’s Edge South tennis courts and the latest technology, this is the perfect space for ideas to flourish.

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Ferguson Fitness

Ferguson Fitness, the well-known, local fitness studio, occupies the first floor of the storage building directly overlooking the fields of Riverside Park. They bring life and energy to the building and connect us with the nearby outdoor amenities.